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Invitado Mariano67

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Invitado Mariano67

Un nuevo incidente de Air France que confirma que es una de las líneas aéreas más inseguras (no tengo aquí en cuenta a las aerolíneas privadas de "bajo costo" como en muestro país fue la calamitosa y ya fenecida LAPA).


Un Airbus 380 choca con un pequeño avión en el JFK




EFE/NUEVA YORK Un Airbus 380 de la aerolínea Air France colisionó hoy con una nave de menor tamaño de una aerolínea regional operada por Delta cuando realizaba la maniobra de despegue del aeropuerto internacional John F. Kennedy, de Nueva York, sin que se hayan producido heridos, informó la cadena de televisión CNN




El incidente se produjo cuando el Airbus 380, el mayor avión de pasajeros en servicio, con destino a París y con capacidad para transportar a más de 500 pasajeros, iba a realizar la maniobra de despegue y chocó contra la parte trasera de otro avión, según relató un periodista de esa cadena de televisión que viajaba en el avión galo.


Las autoridades federales de la aviación estadounidense investigan lo sucedido, pues el Airbus golpeó con su ala izquierda la parte trasera de un avión de Comair, que procedía de Boston (Massachusetts) y que se dirigía a aparcar hacia la puerta de desembarque asignada.


Comair es una aerolínea regional que opera vuelos para Delta Air Lines y la aeronave había efectuado el vuelo 6293. El A-380 de Air France realizaba el vuelo 007 y se dirigía al aeropuerto Charles De Gaulle, de la capital francesa.


El incidente ocurrió hacia las 01.15 GMT (20.15 hora local) y, según relató el periodista de CNN a su medio, el piloto del avión paró la nave, que fue rodeada por varios equipos de bomberos, al igual que ocurrió con el otro aparato.


Una portavoz de la Autoridad Portuaria de Nueva York y de Nueva Jersey citada por ese medio señaló que no se habían producido heridos y que se notificó lo ocurrido a la Administración Federal de la Aviación (FAA) estadounidense.


La Policía de las instalaciones portuarias interrogaron a los pilotos de ambos aviones, según la misma fuente.


El mismo medio señaló que los pasajeros de los dos aviones abandonaron las aeronaves, y que los del vuelo de Air France tuvieron que volver al aeropuerto neoyorquino y recoger sus maletas.


Plane Crashes and Significant Safety Events

Since 1970 for Air France/Air France Europe




The following are either fatal events involving at least one passenger death or significant safety occurrences involving the airline. Excluded would be events where the only passengers killed were stowaways, hijackers, or saboteurs. The passenger fatalities in the numbered events may be due to accidents, hijackings, sabotage, or military action. The events that are not numbered may or may not include fatalities, and are included because they meet the criteria of a significant event as defined by AirSafe.com

  2. 27 June 1976; Air France A300; Flight 139; Entebbe, Uganda: While on a scheduled international flight from Athens to Paris, the aircraft was hijacked by four persons, including two members of the German Baader-Meinhof Gang. The aircraft was diverted to Benghazi, Libya, and then later was flown to Entebbe. Some passengers were released shortly after the hijacking and the remainder were kept at Entebbe. These hostages were eventually rescued in a commando raid by Israeli military forces. About seven of the 258 passengers were killed. The four hijackers and one of the commandos were also killed.
    2 December 1985; Air France 747-200; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: The aircraft was on a scheduled international flight from Paris, France to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During the landing, the number one engine accelerated to a very high level of thrust, causing the aircraft to veer off the runway and collide with a concrete ramp. None of the 265 passengers or 17 crew members were killed.
  3. 26 June 1988; Air France A320; Flight 296Q; near Mulhouse-Habsheim Airport, France: The aircraft crashed into trees during an air show maneuver when the aircraft failed to gain height during a low pass with the gear extended. Three of the 136 passengers were killed.
  4. 20 January 1992; Air Inter A320; Flight 148; near Strasbourg, France: Aircraft had a controlled flight into terrain after the flight crew incorrectly set the flight management system. Five of the six crew and 82 of the 87 passengers perished.
  5. 24 December 1994; Air France A300; Flight 8969; Algiers Airport, Algeria: The aircraft was hijacked at Algiers by four members of the GIA (Groupe Islamique Armee). The aircraft was flown to Marseille two days later. Hijackers killed 3 of the 267 passengers. Later, commandos retook the aircraft and killed four hijackers.
  6. 5 September 1996; Air France 747-400; near Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Severe turbulence associated with a weather front seriously injured three of the 206 passengers. One of the three passengers later died of injuries caused by an in flight entertainment screen.
  7. 20 April 1998; Air France 727-200 near Bogota, Colombia: The aircraft was on a flight from Bogota to Quito, Ecuador. Three minues after takeoff, the plane crashed into the mountain at about 1600 feet (500m) above the airport elevation. Although it was an Air France flight, the aircraft was leased from TAME airlines of Ecuador and was flown by an Ecuadorian crew. All 43 passengers and 10 crew members were killed.
  8. 25 July 2000; Air France Concorde; Flight 4590; near Paris, France: The aircraft was on a charter flight from Charles de Gaulle airport near Paris to JFK airport in New York. Shortly before rotation, the front right tire of the left landing gear ran over a strip of metal which had fallen off of another aircraft. Pieces of the damaged tire were thrown against the aircraft structure. There was a subsequent fuel leak and major fire under the left wing.
    Shortly afterwards, power was lost on engine number two and for a brief period on engine number one. The aircraft was neither able to climb nor accelerate, and the crew found that the landing gear would not retract. The aircraft maintained a speed of 200 kt and an altitude of 200 feet for about one minute. The crew lost control of the aircraft and crashed into a hotel in the town of Gonesse shortly after engine number one lost power for the second time. All 100 passengers and nine crew members were killed. Four people on the ground were also killed.
    Further details on this event
    Wikipedia Page for this Accident
    2 August 2005; Air France A340-300; Flight 358; Toronto, Canada: The aircraft was on a scheduled international flight from Paris to Toronto. The aircraft encountered heavy thunderstorms upon arrival in Toronto. The crew was able to land, but was unable to stop the aircraft on the runway. The aircraft departed the runway and rolled into a gully where the aircraft broke up and caught fire. All passengers and crew were able to successfully escape the burning plane. None of the 12 crew members and or 297 passengers were killed. This is not a fatal event since no passengers were killed.
  9. 25 January 2007; Régional Fokker F100; Pau, France: The aircraft was on a scheduled domestic flight from Pau to Paris (CDG). The aircraft experienced several significant rolls to the left and right shortly after takeoff and the crew attempted to land the aircraft immediately. The left wingtip struck the ground just before the aircraft touched down to the right of the runway. The aircraft rolled about a half kilometer, striking a truck as it crossed a road. The landing gear separated after the aircraft hit an embankment on the far side of the road. The crew and passengers were able to evacuate successfuly after the aircraft came to a stop. landed the aircraft. was able to land, but was unable to stop the aircraft on the runway. None of the four crew members and 50 passengers were seriously injured, however, the driver of the truck that was struk by the aircraft was killed. Régional is owned by Air France.
  10. Because this event did not cause a passenger fatality, it is not counted as a fatal event as defined by AirSafe.com.
    1 June 2009; Air France A330-200; Atlantic Ocean: The aircraft was on a scheduled international flight from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Paris, France. The aircraft crashed in the Atlantic Ocean in an area roughly 390 miles (650 kilometers) northeast of Brazil's Fernando de Noronha islands, which are about 220 miles (354 kilometers) off the northeast coast of Brazil. Debris from the aircraft was found near the estimated position of its last radio communication. All 216 passengers and 12 crew members, together representing over 32 nationalities, are missing and presumed dead.

Observen que dos de los accidentes más resonantes de los ultimos tiempos como el UNICO Concorde siniestrado y el avión que se desintegro sobre el Océano Atlántico pertenecían a esa compañía.

Editado por Mariano67
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Invitado Mariano67

Respuesta: Seguridad aerea


Con la caída de la ex URSS también cayo en picada la seguridad de Aeroflot ahora más preocupada en ganar guita a costa de la seguridad de pasajeros y tripulantes.


Plane Crashes for Airlines of the Former Soviet Union



The following is a list of fatal passenger events since 1990 involving jet airliners from Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union. These events include scheduled and non-scheduled airline flights and may include passenger fatalities due to hijackings, sabotage, or military action. Any events without a number were included because the special circumstances around the crash. This list includes events from 1990 onwards.

  1. 13 January 1990; Aeroflot Tupolev 134A; near Pervouralsk, Russia: The aircraft had an onboard fire while in cruise between Tyrmen and Ufa. The crew made a forced landing about two miles (three km) from Pervouralsk. Four of the six crew members and 23 of the 65 passengers were killed.
  2. 1 August 1990; Aeroflot Yak-40; Pavlodar, Kazakhstan: The aircraft was inbound to Stepanakert when the aircraft impacted cloud shrouded high ground about 14 miles (22 km) from the airport. All four crew members and 26 passengers were killed.
  3. 13 September 1990; Aeroflot Yak-42, Sverdlovsk, Russia: The aircraft touched down about one mile (1.6 km) short of the runway during a night approach. One of the five crew members and three of the 124 passengers were killed.
  4. 23 May 1991; Aeroflot Tupolev 154B; St. Petersburg, Russia: The aircraft touched down just short of the runway at an excessive sink rate and during rainy conditions. None of the seven crew members and 13 of the 174 passengers were killed.
  5. 7 November 1991; Azerbaijan Airlines Yak-40; near Makhachkala, Russia: The aircraft was inbound from Elista in poor weather when it impacted high ground. All four crew members and 47 passengers were killed.
  6. 27 August 1992; Aeroflot Tupolev Tu134A; Ivanovo, Russia: The aircraft impacted about two miles (three km) short of the runway after an excessively steep and fast approach. All seven crew members and 77 passengers were killed.
  7. 27 August 1993; Tajik Air Yak-40; Khorog, Tajikistan : The aircraft was departing for Dushanbe and the crew was attempting to abort the takeoff. After an unsuccessful aborted takeoff, the aircraft overran the runway and fell into a river. All five crew members and 77 of the 81 passengers were killed. The Yak-40 is normally configured for about 28 passengers.
  8. 21 September 1993; Transair Georgia Tupolev Tu134A; near Sukhumi, Georgia : The charter aircraft departed from Sochi, Russia and was on final approach when it was hit by a missile. The aircraft crashed into the sea about 2.5 miles (four km) from the airport. All five crew members and 22 passengers were killed.
  9. 3 January 1994; Biakalavia Tupolev Tu154M, near Irkutsk, Russia: Shortly after takeoff on a flight to Moscow, a failure in the number two engine damaged fuel lines and started a fire near the engine. The aircraft lost control and crashed due to subsequent damage to the flight control hydraulics system. All nine crew members and 115 passengers were killed.
  10. 22 March 1994; Russian International Airways A310; near Novokuznetsk, Russia: Lost control and crashed after the captain had allowed at least one child to manipulate the flight controls. All 12 crew and 63 passengers were killed
    Fatal A310 Events
  11. 26 September 1994; Cheremshanka Airlines Yak-40; near Vanavara, Russia: The aircraft was inbound to Tura on a flight from Krasnoyarsk when bad weather forced the crew to fly to an alternate airport at Vanavara. The aircraft ran out of fuel en route and the crew unsuccessfully attempted a forced landing. All four crew members and 24 passengers were killed.
  12. 12 May 1995; Azerbaijan Airlines Tupolev Tu134A; near Nahicevan, Azerbaijan: Both engines failed shortly after takeoff and the crew made a forced landing about four miles (six km) from the airport. Two of the six crew members and 50 of the 76 passengers were killed.
  13. 7 December 1995; Khabarovsk Air Tupolev Tu154B, 200 km east of Khabarovsk, Russia: The aircraft crashed in a remote, mountainous part of the Russian far east. The aircraft was in cruise at 31,500 feet and disappeared from radar shortly after making a routine air traffic control report. All 89 passengers and 8 crew were killed.
  14. 29 August 1996; Vnukovo Airlines Tupolev Tu154; Spitsbergen, Norway: The aircraft was on a charter flight transporting Russian miners and their families to Spitsbergen when the aircraft crashed on a mountain about 6 miles (10 km) from Longyearbyen airport. All 14 crew members and 127 passengers were killed.
  15. 26 October 1996; Tyumenaviatrans Yak-40, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia: The aircraft crashed into three helicopters while landing in a snowstorm after the crew apparently mistook the helipad for the nearby airport runway. Five of the 26 passengers and four crew were killed.
  16. 15 December 1997; Tajikistan Airlines Tupolev 154B; Sharjah, United Arab Emirates: The aircraft was on approach to Sharjah after a flight from Khodzhent, Tajikistan when it crashed in a river about 8 miles (13 km) from the airport. Eight of the nine crew members and all 77 passengers were killed.
  17. 17 December 1997; AeroSvit Yak-42; near Salonica, Greece: The aircraft was inbound from Odessa, Ukraine to Salonica and was in a holding pattern when it impacted high ground. All eight crew members and 62 passengers were killed.
  18. 15 March 2001; Vnukovo Airlines Tupolev Tu154; Medina, Saudi Arabia: The aircraft was hijacked by three men about 30 minutes after departing Istanbul, Turkey on a flight to Moscow, Russia. After being diverted to Medina, Saudi Arabia, the hijackers entered negotiations with Saudi Arabian authorities and released some of the hostages. The following day, commandos stormed the aircraft and freed the rest of the hostages. One of the 12 crew members and one of the 159 passengers were killed by the hijackers. One hijacker was killed and the other two were captured.
  19. 3 July 2001; Vladivostok Avia Tupolev Tu154; near Irkutsk, Russia: The plane crashed about 34 kilometers (21 miles) from Irkutsk in the Siberian region of Russia, while on a domestic flight from Yekaterinburg in western Russia to Vladivostok on the Pacific coast of Russia. The aircraft was making a third approach to Irkutsk, a scheduled refueling stop, when it crashed. All nine crew members and 136 passengers were killed.
  20. 4 October 2001; Sibir Airlines Tupolev Tu154M; Black Sea near Adler, Russia: The plane crashed about 184 kilometers (114 miles) from southern Russia in the Black Sea, shortly after the aircraft exploded in flight. The aircraft had departed from Tel Aviv, Israel on a charter flight to Novosibirsk, Russia and was at cruise altitude when the explosion occurred. The reason for the in-flight explosion, which was witnessed by another airliner flight crew, is not known. However, various pieces of evidence point to in inadvertent strike by a Ukrainian military missile. All 12 crew members and 64 passengers were killed.
  21. 1 July 2002; Bashkirian Airlines Tupolev Tu154; near ?eberlingen, Germany: The aircraft collided with a DHL 757 while both aircraft were flying at about 36,000 feet (about 11,000 meters). Debris from both aircraft fell in an area near Lake Constance on the German-Swiss border. Both crew members on the DHL 757 and the 57 passengers and 12 crew members on the Tupolev 154 were killed. The 57 passengers on the Tupolev 154 included 52 children and teenagers. The 757 departed Bahrain and was continuing on to Brussels after a stop in Bergamo in northern Italy. The Tupolev 154 was on a trip from Moscow to Barcelona and had made a stopover in Munich shortly before the accident.

  22. 8 May 2003; Ilyushin 76, near Kinshasa, Congo: The aircraft, operated by the Ukraine government, was about 45 minutes into a non-scheduled domestic flight from Kinshasa to Lubumbashi with several hundred passengers when in the cargo hold area when the rear cargo ramp reportedly came open, leading to a rapid depressurization and the loss of dozens of passengers. The crew was able to return to Kinshasa and land. Reports from different news organizations give a varying number of passengers and victims. While no crew fatalities were mentioned and some passengers survived, the number of passengers killed ranged from less than 10 to over 200. This was not a regular airline flight and will not count toward AirSafe.com fatal event rates.
    26 May 2003; Ukrainian-Mediterranean Airlines Yak-42D, near Macka, Turkey: The aircraft, chartered by NATO's Maintenance and Supply Agency, had departed Kabul, Afghanistan and was inbound for a scheduled refueling stop at Trabzon airport when it crashed into high ground near Macka, Turkey. There was heavy fog in the area and the aircraft had attempted several landings prior to the crash. All 13 crew members and 62 passengers were killed. The passengers were all Spanish peacekeeping forces returning from a six-month tour of duty in Afghanistan. This was not a regular airline flight and will not count toward AirSafe.com fatal event rates.
  23. 13 January 2004; Uzbekistan Airways Yak-42, Tashkent, Uzbekistan: The aircraft was on a domestic flight from Termez to Tashkent and crashed during final approach. There was heavy fog in the area of the airport at the time of the crash. All five crew members and 32 passengers were killed, including the senior United Nations representative in Uzbekistan.
  24. 24 August 2004; Volga-Aviaexpress Tupolev Tu134A; near Buchalki, Russia: The aircraft departed Moscow Domodedovo Airport (DME) about 2230 on a scheduled flight to Volgograd in southern Russia. This aircraft took off about 10 minutes before a Sibir Airlines Tupolev 154B which also crashed the same evening after departing the same airport. The aircraft broke up in flight and crashed, about thirty minutes after takeoff and within minutes of the in flight breakup of the Sibir Airlines aircraft. At least one witness reported hearing several explosions at about the time of the breakup. Wreckage from this aircraft was found in the Tula region, near the village of Buchalki, about 125 miles (200 km) from Moscow. Investigators have found traces of explosive residue on both aircraft, and are investigating the possibility that these events were due to sabotage. The two aircraft were separated by about 500 miles (800 km) at the time of their respective crashes. All seven crew members and 34 passengers were killed.
  25. 24 August 2004; Sibir Airlines Tupolev Tu154B; near Rostov-on-Don, Russia: The aircraft departed Moscow Domodedovo Airport (DME) about 2240 on a scheduled flight to Sochi near the Black Sea. This aircraft took off about 10 minutes after a Volga-Aviaexpress Tupolev 134A which also crashed the same evening after departing the same airport. The aircraft broke up in flight and crashed, about 20 minutes after takeoff and within minutes of the in flight breakup of the Volga-Aviaexpress aircraft. According to Sibir Airlines, shortly before the crash, an emergency signal was sent from the aircraft. Wreckage from this aircraft was found near Rostov-on-Don, about 600 miles (960 km) from Moscow. Investigators have found traces of explosive residue on both aircraft, and are investigating the possibility that these events were due to sabotage. All eight crew members and 38 passengers were killed.
    Note: The last time that two aircraft departing from the same airport on the same day were both involved in a fatal event was 11 September 2001 when an American Airlines 767 and United Airlines 767 were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center towers.
  26. 3 February 2005; Kam Air 737-200; near Kabul, Afghanistan: The aircraft was approaching Kabul on a domestic flight from Herat when it crashed in mountainous terrain about 20 miles (32 km) from its destination. The aircraft was scheduled domestic flight from Herat to Kabul and was diverted from landing at Kabul due to the effects of a severe snowstorm. The crew had sought clearance to land in Peshawar, Pakistan prior to losing contact with air traffic control. All eight crew members and 96 passengers were killed. Although this was a domestic flight within Afghanistan, the airline was based in Kyrgyzstan.
    Fatal 737 Events
  27. 3 May 2006; Armavia Airlines A320; near Sochi, Russia:
    The aircraft was on a scheduled international flight from Yerevan, Armenia to Sochi. At the time of the crash, visibility was limited due to darkness, a low overcast cloud layer, and light rain showers. The crew reportedly abandoned the first landing attempt due to the weather conditions. While the crew was maneuvering for a second landing attempt on a different runway, the aircraft crashed into the Black Sea about 6 km (3.8 miles) from the airport.
    All eight crew members and 105 passengers were killed.
    Fatal A320 Events
  28. 9 July 2006; Sibir Airlines A310-300; Irkutsk, Russia: The aircraft was on a scheduled flight from Moscow to Irkutsk. Weather at Irkutsk included a low overcast, rain, and thunderstorms in the area. The aircraft landed on the runway, but was unable to stop on the runway. After departing the runway, the aircraft collided with a concrete structure, broke up, and caught fire. Five of the eight crew members, and 119 of the 195 passengers were killed.
    Fatal A310 Events
  29. 22 August 2006; Pulkovo Airlines Tupolev Tu154M; near Donetsk, Ukraine: The aircraft departed on a scheduled domestic flight from Anapa to St. Petersburg. About 30 minutes after takeoff and at an altitude of about 36,000 feet (11,000 meters), the crew reported an emergency. Another transmission was reportedly received before the aircraft crashed. The crash occurred about 30 miles (48 km) north of the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. All 10 crew members and 160 passengers were killed.
  30. 17 March 2007; UT Air Tupolev Tu134A; Samara, Russia: The aircraft was on a scheduled domestic flight from Surgut to Samara. During approach, visibility was limited due to weather conditions. The aircraft touched down about 400 meters short of the runway, broke up, and caught fire. All seven crew members survived, but six of the 50 passengers were killed.
  31. 24 August 2008; Itek Air 737-200; Flight 6895; Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: The aircraft was on a scheduled international flight from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, to Tehran, Iran . About 10 minutes after takeoff, the crew turned back to the departure airport and also reported some kind of technical problem and h, and reportedly departed the runway and collided with several buildings in a nearby neighborhood. There were about 83 passengers and seven crew on the aircraft, including 17 members Kyrgyzstan's national basketball youth team. Seven team members reportedly survived. At least 65 of those on board, including five of the seven crew members, were killed.
    Itek Air had been banned from operating in the EU according to a list published on 24 July 2008.
    Fatal events involving the 737
    Wikipedia Entry About this Accident
  32. 14 September 2008; Aeroflot-Nord 737-500; flight 821; near Perm, Russia: The aircraft was on a scheduled domestic flight from Moscow to Perm, Russia. Contact with the aircraft was lost shortly before landing when the aircraft was about 3,600 feet, or about 1100 meters, above the ground. The aircraft was completely destroyed in the crash, coming down outside of the city of Perm and near the tracks of the Trans-Siberian Railway. All 82 passengers and six crew members were killed in the crash. There were seven children, including one infant, among the passengers.


7 September 2010; Alrosa Mirny Air Enterprise; Tu154M; RA-85684; flight 514, Izhma, Russia: The aircraft was on a scheduled domestic flight from Udachny to Moscow, Russia. While en route at about FL347 near over Usinsk, Russia, the aircraft experienced a complete electrical failure that resulted in a loss of navigational equipment, fuel pumps, and flaps. The crew was able to make a successful emergency landing on an abandoned runway at the Izhma, Russia airport. None of the nine crew members or 72 passengers were injured.

While this airliner accident resulted in no fatalities, it is included here because it is a significant event as defined by AirSafe.com.



4 December 2010; Dagestan Airlines (also known as South East Airlines); Tu154M; RA-85744; flight 372; Moscow, Russia: The aircraft was on a scheduled domestic flight from Moscow to Makhachkala, Russia. The aircraft departed from Moscow's Vnukovo Airport, and about eight minutes later, while the aircraft was climbing through an altitude of about 6,500 m (21,000 ft), there were reportedly problems involving the fuel system. When the aircraft was about 80 km away from the departure airport and at about 9,000 m (29,000 ft) altitude, two of the three engines flamed out and the crew elected to divert to Moscow's Domodedovo Airport. The aircraft experienced a hard landing near the runway, and broke up after striking a large earthen mound beyond the end of the runway. Two of the 160 passengers were killed, and all nine crew members survived.

1 January 2011; Kogalymavia (also known as Kolavia); Tu154M; RA-85588; flight 348; Surgut, Russia: The aircraft was on a scheduled domestic flight from Surgut to Moscow, Russia. The aircraft caught fire while the aircraft was taxiiing toward the runway. There were eight crew members and 116 passengers on board, and at least four occupants were killed.

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Invitado Mariano67

Respuesta: Seguridad aerea


En Argentina tenemos a AUSTRAL como la línea aérea más insegura, si tenemos en cuenta su poca cantidad de vuelos quizás proporcionalmente sea la aerolínea más insegura del mundo.

Estos accidentes fueron a partir de la década de los 70s pero antes de eso tuvo otros y no olvidar los accidentes de ALA que luego se fusiono con esta.

Fatal Events Since 1970 for Austral Lineas Aereas


The following events are those involving at least one passenger death where the aircraft flight had a direct or indirect role. Excluded would be events where the only passengers killed were stowaways, hijackers, or saboteurs.

  1. 21 November 1977; Austral Lineas Aereas BAC111; near San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina: The aircraft crashed into a hill about 12 miles (20 km) during a night approach in poor weather. All five crew members and 41 of the 74 passengers were killed.
  2. 7 May 1981; Austral Lineas Aereas BAC111; near Buenos Aires, Argentina: The aircraft crashed into a river about 10 miles (16 km) from the airport during an approach in through an area of thunderstorms. The crew apparently lost control of the aircraft due to the storm. All five crew members and 25 passengers were killed.
  3. 12 June 1988; Austral Lineas Aereas MD81; Posadas, Argentina: The aircraft crashed three miles (4.8 km) short of the airport during an approach in poor visibility. All 15 passengers and seven crew were killed.
  4. 10 October 1997; Austral Lineas Aereas DC9-32; near Nuevo Berlin, Uruguay: The aircraft crashed during a night approach in stormy weather. The aircraft departed Posadas, Argentina and crashed about 280 miles (448 km) from Buenos Aires, its intended destination. All five crew members and 69 passengers were killed

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Invitado Mariano67

Respuesta: Seguridad aerea


Si vemos el historial de la estatal (que pagamos entre todos como dirían los liberales) Aerolíneas Argentinas se demuestra que en este caso el estado ES MEJOR por lo menos en cuanto a seguridad aérea se refiere.

Fatal Events Since 1970 for Aerolineas Argentinas

The following events are those involving at least one passenger death where the aircraft flight had a direct or indirect role. Excluded would be events where the only passengers killed were stowaways, hijackers, or saboteurs.

  1. 4 February 1970; Aerolineas Argentinas BAe 748; near Corrientes, Argentina: The aircraft entered a steep dive and crashed a few minutes after a night takeoff with severe thunderstorms in the area. All four crew members and 33 passengers were killed.
  2. 20 February 1992; Aerolineas Argentinas 747; en route to Los Angeles from Argentina: One passenger died of food poisoning

Observar que el envenenamiento del pasajero en 1992 se produjo cuando la aerolínea estaba privatizada (por obra del menemismo) en manos de los gallegos.

Hoy en día recobro su antigua seguridad con el remplazo de sus viejos aviones por otros modernos que realizo el actual gobierno.


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Invitado Mariano67
Invitado Mariano67

Respuesta: Seguridad aerea


Del segundo thread rescato lo siguiente que puse el el Post #129


En Argentina las líneas privadas siempre fueron una calamidad en cuanto a seguridad. Austral con su pequeño numero de vuelos y cantidad de accidentes que tuvo, no se como no aparece como la línea aérea más insegura del mundo.

De LAPA ya se a dicho de todo y hasta se hizo una película de como procedía como empresa.

Entonces la única aerolínea en la que aquí uno puede viajar tranquilo es en AA. Quizás el hecho de que sea estatal hace que tengan más poder los mecánicos y pilotos que por ejemplo si hace mal tiempo se pueden negar a salir sin sufrir "las presiones" que tendrían en una empresa privada si se negasen a hacerlo.

Por eso cuando aquí vienen los "privados" quieren bajarle la seguridad diciendo que sino es "inviable". Tendremos que acostumbrarnos entonces a tener un pequeño déficit operativo para conservar la confiabilidad de sus vuelos, déficit que tendremos que pagar entre todos, pero acaso no se subvencionan unos ferrocarriles privados mugrientos para que puedan operar?

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Invitado Viejo Golanchik

Respuesta: Seguridad aerea


Del segundo thread rescato lo siguiente que puse el el Post #129


En Argentina las líneas privadas siempre fueron una calamidad en cuanto a seguridad. Austral con su pequeño numero de vuelos y cantidad de accidentes que tuvo, no se como no aparece como la línea aérea más insegura del mundo.

De LAPA ya se a dicho de todo y hasta se hizo una película de como procedía como empresa.

Entonces la única aerolínea en la que aquí uno puede viajar tranquilo es en AA. Quizás el hecho de que sea estatal hace que tengan más poder los mecánicos y pilotos que por ejemplo si hace mal tiempo se pueden negar a salir sin sufrir "las presiones" que tendrían en una empresa privada si se negasen a hacerlo.

Por eso cuando aquí vienen los "privados" quieren bajarle la seguridad diciendo que sino es "inviable". Tendremos que acostumbrarnos entonces a tener un pequeño déficit operativo para conservar la confiabilidad de sus vuelos, déficit que tendremos que pagar entre todos, pero acaso no se subvencionan unos ferrocarriles privados mugrientos para que puedan operar?



AA tiene miles de problemas de los que no te enteras, porque los ocultan, bajo amenaza DIRECTA DE DESPIDO SI ABRIS LA BOCA. Ah, si, despido y gulag, porque no te toma nadie, despues.


Ademas, los aviones no se caen simplemente porque no vuelan lo suficiente como para que estadisticamente las cosas se tornen relevantes.


Pero el mantenimiento de los aviones de AA es una caca, dicho esto por un ingeniero aeronautico que le esta haciendo juicio a la compañia, por despido. Confirmado por Piñeyro.


Todas las empresas, estatales o privadas, vuelan asi...medio como pueden. Un desastre.


Tengo la impresion de que Air France no es insegura, en terminos relativos, por supuesto, sino que es monstruosamente grande y por lo tanto, pasible, estadisticamente hablando, de que sucedan cosas. Ademas Air France vuela a lugares que muchas otras compañias ni se les ocurre.

Ah y usan muchos Airbus...que para mi, tienen un problema serio. Se caen mas que otros.



Editado por Viejo Golanchik
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Invitado splashtrack

Respuesta: Seguridad aerea




Los últimos accidentes resonantes no son los de Concorde y del A330, ambos dos de AF.

Entre ellos hubo cientos de peores accidentes, muchos, incluídos los de las torres, etc.


El incidente con el CRJ700 no es un tema de AF; es un tema del aeropuerto. Ellos son los que ubican las aeronaves y por lo visto el Comair estaba mal ubicado; sino no hubiere habido contacto entre su posición (creo que era la 33) y el taxiway del Airbus.


Ahora, por culpa de la prensa que le da más o menos bola a estos temas, decir que es insegura no es correcta.

¿Manejas las tazas de despegues/aterrizajes y las cotejas con las de incidentes, accidentes, etc.?


Que se vuela "como se puede" es cierto. No sobra la guita, pero justamente, AF es lo contrario a todo lo que se pueda llegar a hacer acá, en el país de "lo atamo' con alambre".




PD. en Aviation Safety Network está toda la info que podés necesitar. Dale un vistazo! (http://aviation-safety.net)

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Respuesta: Seguridad aerea


tendrian que tomar el ejemplo de LAFSA

jamas, si, JAMAS se cayo ni se caera un puto avion de LAFSA


en esto hay que darle la derecha al gobierno KK, jamas una queja para el servicio, nunca una partida demorada, de luxe



ah, nunca volo un puto avion

ah, una empresita fantasmita


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Invitado Juancho Talarga

Respuesta: Seguridad aerea


AA tiene miles de problemas de los que no te enteras, porque los ocultan, bajo amenaza DIRECTA DE DESPIDO SI ABRIS LA BOCA. Ah, si, despido y gulag, porque no te toma nadie, despues.


Ademas, los aviones no se caen simplemente porque no vuelan lo suficiente como para que estadisticamente las cosas se tornen relevantes.


Pero el mantenimiento de los aviones de AA es una caca, dicho esto por un ingeniero aeronautico que le esta haciendo juicio a la compañia, por despido. Confirmado por Piñeyro.




Tengo la sensacion que te referis a Aerolineas Argentinas.

De ser asi, es AR.


AA es American Airlines.


Podrias aclararlo ?

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Respuesta: Seguridad aerea


tendrian que tomar el ejemplo de LAFSA

jamas, si, JAMAS se cayo ni se caera un puto avion de LAFSA


en esto hay que darle la derecha al gobierno KK, jamas una queja para el servicio, nunca una partida demorada, de luxe



ah, nunca volo un puto avion

ah, una empresita fantasmita


Otro sello de goma y van....

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Invitado Viejo Golanchik

Respuesta: Seguridad aerea


Tengo la sensacion que te referis a Aerolineas Argentinas.

De ser asi, es AR.


AA es American Airlines.


Podrias aclararlo ?

Aerolineas Argentinas



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Respuesta: Seguridad aerea


Ustedes se refieren a accidentes en Turista o Business ?

Descuartizan vacas en el norte. Más desnutridos en el "granero del mundo". "el que apuesta al dólar pierde",Cinco presidentes en una semana. ¡son todos una manga de garcas! ¡este país está lleno de ladrones!¿yo?... ¡argentino!

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Invitado Mariano67

Respuesta: Seguridad aerea


Hola gente: veo que hubo varias contestaciones.

Por ahora pongo este artículo. Más tarde, quizás hoy a la noche, comience a contestar los distintos posts aunque este artículo ya rebate algo de lo posteado como por ejemplo de la supuesta inseguridad de Aerolíneas.



t.gifEnrique Piñeyro, ex piloto de LAPA y actor, director y productor de la película Whisky Romeo Zulú, aseguró que "los accidentes de LAPA y Austral ocurrieron por corrupción lisa y llana".


t.gifEnrique Piñeyro, ex piloto de LAPA y actor, director y productor, desnuda en la película Whisky Romeo Zulu, como la negligencia de la empresa privada y la falta de control de las autoridades fueron las causas que llevaron al accidente del avión de LAPA en agosto de 1999, donde murieron 67 personas.Como queda registrado en la película, 3 años antes del accidente, Piñeyro –que la protagoniza y dirige- siendo todavía piloto de LAPA, había denunciado por escrito al jefe de pilotos que "de continuar el alarmante estado de mantenimiento de los aviones un accidente protagonizado por un avión de LAPA es la consecuencia no sólo previsible, sino prácticamente inevitable".

Más allá que desde el punto de vista cinematográfico la película es muy buena y ha ganado varios premios, desde el punto de vista documental da escalofríos.

Enrique Piñeyro, estuvo en Pool Económico para hablar sobre el caso LAPA, y compartió la mesa con el brigadier Héctor Cid, presidente de la Junta de investigación de accidentes de Aviación Civil y con el Mayor Horacio Larrosa, Jefe de investigaciones de Fuerza Aérea Argentina.

¿Porque si están todas las denuncias hechas sobre el caso no se hace nada? ¿De quién es responsabilidad? ¿quién tendría que hacer algo para producir un cambio en esta materia? "Obviamente el cambio tiene que venir del más alto vértice del Estado, la Fuerza Aérea, de la Dirección Civil y de la Investigación de sus Accidentes. Acá la Fuerza Aérea es la responsable del control, seguro. De hecho la falta de control de esta entidad fue la que permitió el desastre de LAPA y el de Austral. En el caso puntual del Austral, la FFAA le permitió subentrenar a sus pilotos, y mandarlos una sola vez por año a simulador, mientras que el resto de las compañías tenía que mandarlos dos veces. Se habilitó un avión sin una alarma que era obligatoria por reglamentaciones emanadas de la misma Fuerza", introdujo Piñeyro.

El caso de LAPA, según el director de WRZ, "es un descontrol total". Dijo que la totalidad de los pilotos de esta aerolínea tenían vacaciones atrasadas dos años mínimo y hasta seis: "eso es peligroso, provoca fatiga crónica, lo cual provoca accidentes. Todas estas cosas hacen que evidentemente los aviones un buen día se estrellen", estimó Piñeyro.

"Debería haber una agencia federal de aviación, como hay en los países adelantados, y una comisión investigadora de acción de transporte que dependa de cualquiera de los tres Poderes, pero no de la estructura que deba investigarse a sí misma", propuso Piñeyro, y agregó: "eso es una aberración total. Siempre tienen versiones que terminan cuidando los intereses de la FFAA y responsabilizando a los pilotos. Me parece que se esta soslayando que un accidente ocurre por una falla de sistema, muy profundas además, muy enquistadas.

Piñeyro habló de corrupción: "si fuera por negligencia o burocracia sería una cosa. Pero lo más lamentable de todo esto es que acá ocurrieron accidentes por corrupción lisa y llana. Es decir, la Austral se ahorraba un millón de dólares por año con esa dispensa ilegal que le otorga la propia Fuerza Aérea".

Los registros técnicos se hacen por tres: uno va a Mantenimiento, otro a Operaciones y otro a la DNA (Dirección Nacional de Aeronavegabilidad) que depende de la FFAA. Este es el argumento que Piñeyro presentó para asegurar que toda la estructura estaba conciente de la falta de mantenimiento que estaban teniendo los aviones.

"En 1993 aparecen los jets en LAPA, que ya se empiezan a volar mal. Empieza a volar un comandante de apellido Merlo, de 65 años, es decir, pasado de edad, utilizando los nombres de los copilotos. Fuerza Aérea no dijo ni una sola palabra. Ya empezó mal parida la operación. Yo me fui en 1999 por esa razón", denunció Piñeyro.

Según el ex piloto de LAPA, Austral tuvo su época salvaje: "perdió tres aviones en 11 años, uno de los peores record del mundo en seguridad. Nuestras tazas de seguridad son unas de las peores del mundo. Perdimos 141 personas en menos de dos años, en dos accidentes mayores", reveló.

Según el invitado, en Aerolíneas Argentinas las presiones no eran tan violentas o de hecho no existían, "porque total la plata seguía siendo del Estado", y además porque tenía una cultura de respeto por las normas: "de hecho, Aerolíneas siguió mandando a sus pilotos cada 6 meses a simulador, aún cuando la Fuerza Aérea permitía otros tiempos. Cosas así consentían que lo aberrante se transformara en norma como pasó en LAPA. Realmente ahí el descontrol operativo fue total", aseguró.

Lo más grave es que, según Piñeyro, las fallas latentes que provocaron los sistemas de los accidentes de Austral y LAPA, siguen intactas: "la FFAA sigue controlando la aviación civil. Es junto con Nigeria, el único país del mundo en el que el cien por cien de su aviación es militarizada. Absolutamente todo (las certificaciones de la nave de control, de tránsito aéreo, del control médico del piloto, etc) todo pasa por la Fuerza Aérea. Entonces los radares están más viejos, los aviones están más viejos, y las fallas latentes son las mismas", denunció.

Luego de escuchar todas las declaraciones de Piñeyro, el brigadier Héctor Cid, presidente de la Junta de investigación de accidentes de Aviación Civil, arremetió: "la Fuerza Aérea tiene la estructura y los medios como para efectuar los controles. Si las cosas son como dice el señor Piñeyro, me gustaría que me dijera si ha hecho alguna presentación judicial o penal, porque prácticamente esta hablado de que hubo corrupción, y entonces ya estamos ante un delito. Hay que tener elementos de prueba para hacer semejante afirmación". Piñeyro contestó: "hice denuncias como oficial de seguridad de la Asociación de Pilotos. Hice la denuncia tres días después del accidente. Fui al juzgado con un bolso lleno de registros técnicos de vuelo donde se prueba que, a menos que haya corrupción, es imposible que la autoridad no haya visto. Está probado que, a menos que la autoridad sea completamente ciega, no puede dejar pasar por alto registros técnicos que muestran que se vuela un mes con deflexiones no comandadas del timón. ¿Dónde estaba la DNA cuando todos esos registros estaban ahí? ¿Dónde estaba la DNA cuando se voló un mes con un motor con sobre temperatura? ¿Dónde estaban cuando todos los pilotos de LAPA tenían las vacaciones atrasadas? Eso es corrupción lisa y llana. Lo sostengo", enfatizó.

Según Piñeyro, hay un brigadier y dos comodoros procesados por incumplimiento de los deberes de funcionario público. Cid especuló: "hay que ver que determina la justicia".Piñeyro y Cid discutieron sobre temas técnicos y sobre la normativa de seguridad. El primero hizo acusaciones serias sobre fallas importantes y enfatizó que se debieron a "auténticos actos de corrupción", y el segundo dijo que ninguna de las acusaciones eran ciertas.

Cid aseguró que los accidentes de Austral se debieron a una serie de factores: "no había un dispositivo que era reglamentario hacia unos cuantos años. Una alarma que le permitiera al piloto saber a que altura y velocidad iba. La alarma en ese momento no era obligatoria, porque estaba bien clara la disposición de la Fuerza Aérea. Debía haber una alarma o un equivalente y sí había un amperímetro", aseguró. Pero Piñeyro arremetió: "el amperímetro no es equivalente a una alarma. No mientan más por favor. Un amperímetro no es una alarma, no llama la atención. Son dos cosas distintas. Acá hay dolo, ese es el problema", enfatizó.


Caso LAPA:


Según el Mayor Horacio Larrosa, Jefe de investigaciones de Fuerza Aérea Argentina, la investigación del caso LAPA concluyó unos meses después del accidente: "la causa trató sobre la incorrecta configuración del avión para la operación de despegue (en este caso puntual, la posición correcta de los flaps). La lista del control del procedimiento fue interrumpida varias veces en su chequeo por diversos motivos. La cuestión es que ese ítem se dejó vacante. Sin embargo, la alarma sonó desde que el avión estaba inmóvil hasta el final de la carrera. Por qué se continuó con el despegue es una incógnita", describió Larrosa. Tal vez Piñeyro le encontró una respuesta: "hubo 100 registros técnicos en contra de 96 alarmas falsas en 4 meses".

¿Es seguro volar en un avión? Según Cid, "si ese avión está dentro de los cánones de seguridad, sí". Para Larrosa, "es indudablemente seguro", pero agregó que "todo sistema es perfectible y hay que trabajar mucho para eso". Por último, para Piñeyro, "volar en Argentina es tan seguro como volar en el África, y eso que nosotros no tenemos hambrunas, ni sequías, ni guerras tribales".



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    • Hola , gracias por el aporte

      Está muy linda la chica lastima que es una xp mediocre por lo que cuenta , y uds hizo un gran esfuerzo , llevarla al telo y demás parace una pavada pero es un gran esfuerzo.

      Yo le escribí  unos meses pero nunca tuve respuesta.


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