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expertos + lentitud


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hola gente..de un dia para el otro la cumpu se me volcio lenta...solia ver videos en youtube y youporn...entre otro..ahora ni me los carga..cuando entro a la pag del foro me salta directamente a esta pag..




alguien sabe como solucionar esto?



no se nada de compus ...asiq si me pudien ayudra se los agradecria



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Respuesta: expertos + lentitud


hola gente..de un dia para el otro la cumpu se me volcio lenta...solia ver videos en youtube y youporn...entre otro..ahora ni me los carga..cuando entro a la pag del foro me salta directamente a esta pag..




alguien sabe como solucionar esto?



no se nada de compus ...asiq si me pudien ayudra se los agradecria





dudo que alguno pique la pagina por miedo a que sea un virus, COMO YO SOY UN VALIENTE :porra:

entre y copie lo que dice

yo que vos correria algunos antivirus

supongo que tenes banda ancha


alguno de los muchacos entendidos en la materia por ahi te dicen que es:



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Online Backup Solutions


What if a fire, flood, theft or any other disaster would destroy your lifetime work, your very important data base, all of your information? You must have some onsite backup solution, but what you really need is an online backup service that will help insure that the critical information is always available and secure.


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We are living in times where data of any kind are at stake. Internet trespassing and theft has become an issue that endangers every site, with no importance to what it may contain. Although it may seem as having no importance it has been demonstrated that the so called hackers have made terrible disasters, to many business industries by braking into the most guarded data bases.

New recovery software has been developed, producing remarkable changes in the way business work. One of these would be Online Server Backup, which eliminates typical backup headaches. The ability to automate your backup and remove the data off-site to a secure backup with a click mouse button is now a reality. Initially it may seem expensive, but at a closer look, it is understandable since online backup technology utilizes a company's existing telecom lines Online backup server eliminates all these traditional cost factors.

Nowadays everything goes around the clock. Technology at a maximum speed evolution offers the solution for a maximum speed efficiency of work. Nothing can be done without having a computer and most of all without having constantly connection and access to internet provider. The latter offers a great deal of information and online programs which help you to be constantly on track with your work, in the event of problems or if you simply desire improvement. One of these online services, that provide you assistance and help, is the Online Backup Services.

Online Server Backup is using software that automates the uploading of selected files to a remote computer and it has the ability to restore files, using internet. Many providers offer a free trial period so that you can determine whether you buy it or not. The online service provider supplies you with software that has to be installed on the Pc or server you wish to backup.

The software allows you to select the files to backup and set up a backup schedule. Afterwards, your data will be normally encrypted to secure it from eventual trespassers, compressed to speed up transfer and reduce the amount of storage space required, and uploaded to the server at the service provider's data center.

In case you wish to use online backup service, you have to know that the first time you will use online backup, it will take a long time. Of course, there is no exact time, because this depends on the amount of data you want to backup. Generally it is a matter of several hours, but it may also be a matter of days, before the software finishes backing up your selected data, because it has to not only storage your data, but also encrypt, compress and copy it onto the remote server.

Data problem has become a critical component in an organization's disaster recovery and business continuity plans. Data is not only the foundation of business but remains a vital irreplaceable strategic asset. Faced with increasingly failed strategies of recovering lost data, disaster planning professional have no other alternative but look for new recovery solutions.

About the Author

Could you recreate the emails, documents and photos on your home computer in the event of a virus or hard drive failure? If your computer was stolen would you be able to recreate or restore all the memories taken? With Empyreal Systems Online Backup you could rest easy that no matter what your data is safe and accessible only by you 24x7x365Online Backup by Empyreal Systems Empyrealsystems.com

- soy gatero profesional ,por lo tanto no me enamoró de las escorts - no soy tan viejo ni tan feo para pagar +de $250 por una mujer :dedosabajo:

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